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Fenimore's Services
At Fenimore, we genuinely care about our customers and want to reduce their insurance burdens as much as possible. From custom-designing financially balanced insurance policies to monitoring the claims process, we tackle potential glitches so our clients can focus on their businesses.

Our comprehensive risk review staff and underwriters understand that every business has its own set of exposures and potential risks, so operations are different and unique in their own way.

That’s why Fenimore focuses on providing appropriate and adequate coverage that address clients’ direct exposure and possible risk. This is very different from just selling insurance. After becoming familiar with a client’s unique mix of potential exposure and industry classification, we vigorously review policy language to provide custom-tailored insurance policies at prices, limits, endorsements, coverage enhancements and deductibles that reflect each risk appetite.

Thanks to our seasoned environmental liability underwriters, Fenimore ensures that property owners/operators and contractors have the insurance policies necessary to get a project started as soon as possible. Our commitment to transparent pricing means we heavily itemize all of our expenses, so our clients know exactly what they are getting for their money.

And since insurers compete to cover companies committed to reducing risk, we offer each client a uniquely designed risk assessment. It includes tips and advice to improve a client’s risk profile, which can lead to lower premiums.

Fenimore also offers Continuous Comprehensive Service from our advanced technical support and information systems.
Truly Supportive Claim Processing
Even the safest companies, unfortunately, find themselves filing claims for pollution and environmental accidents. That’s where our Truly Supportive Specialized In-House Claims Team steps in.

Managed by a 25-year veteran of environmental and pollution insurance, our team is dedicated to sparing our clients from the claims process as much as possible. Our team knows the intricacies of the insurance we sell.

When clients file a claim, they appreciate our ongoing expert advice and guidance to assure minimal business disruption and the best possible outcome. As a result, our clients do not experience confusing insurance speak or pointed, anxiety-causing questions. By being conversational instead of confrontational, a claims team member will offer a listening ear to obtain necessary information, explain the process and next steps along with answering any questions that arise. From recommending vendors to securing legal advice if necessary, Fenimore is there every step of the way.

And -- to ensure continuous improvement -- we ask clients to rate our claim team members on critical characteristics including personability, clear communication, accuracy and responsiveness, which are necessary for the most pleasant claims experience possible.

Being supportive is our claims team’s top priority. For payment as quickly as possible, Fenimore encourages customers to file claims immediately by calling (718) 906-0430.
What Fenimore's Clients Are Saying

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